“I have no doubt that some of the stories in The Spirit of a Woman will remain with me forever. All of them illuminate a core truth: The shape of a woman’s life is formed not only by circumstances and events, but by her resilience- from which unexpected resourcefulness and moments of grace unfold.”
— Charlene Spretnak, author of Missing Mary
“The Spirit of a Woman is filled with stories from women who at key points in their lives, acted authentically; any one could be a role-model who inspires you to do what is true for you.”
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, author of Crones Don’t Whine and The Millionth Circle
"Stories heal and help us make meaning from the events in our lives. The Spirit of a Woman brings together a circle of women who tell their stories with the honesty, courage and humor that both life the storyteller and the one who listens."
Oriah, author of The Invitation and What We Ache For
"In it's very title, The Spirit of a Woman engages us with each other at the level of spirit, which goes beyond all barriers. By telling stories of individual women, this book helps all of us to see past the circumstances in our lives that seem to be roadblocks. We find, as we relate to each, resilience within our own spirit that adds life and color to our lives. Ordinary women do extraordinary things so, in reality, there are no ordinary women."
Gladys McGarey, MD, MD (H), author of The Physician Within You and Born to Live
"This book will find its place on my shelves, and in my heart, with Three Cups of Tea, Simone Weil, Deitrich Bonhoffer, Awiakta's Selu, and such heroic and human(e) stories..."
J.J. Wilson, Professor Emerita, Sonoma State University
"Knowledge that matter, that helps us to live, comes to us through honest stories, these only surface because of the courage of those who admit to the messy splendor of living. In her collection, The Spirit of a Woman, Gopadze has gathered a remarkable host of stories from wise women around the world. The medicine here is twofold: demonstrations of how to be a a spirit here on earth and living examples of how the feminine works to enliven our place in the Universe. This book will help you meet yourself and the world."
Mark Nepo, Author of Facing the Lion, Being the Lion

Welcome to Womens-Spirit.com. We are storytellers. We tell our stories with the hope that they will support you on your spiritual journey. Our purpose is to motivate and inspire women to live meaningful lives based on spiritual principles including compassion, courage and creativity. We are building a community of women who will share experiences to help each other, and to take us places that we might not have imagined on our own.

Storytellers light the world and reconnect us with the greatness of being human. The remarkable women in this book become our teachers, inviting us to live in a spiritual world of possibilities that is relevant and sustaining. Like the greatest myths and stories, they have the power to propel us through the dark with courage and magically grab hold of our spirits and set us free.